Monday, 29 June 2015

ETO Award winners

With Such a good day at the ETO show, we have been stunned to find that not only have we been nominated for 'Best Fetish Product Distributor 2015' but we also won the award!!!

Many thanks to all our staff, friends, customers and everyone who voted for us - we are so proud!!!

Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!!

Wayne, Caz, Mick and all the E-Stim Systems Team!!!

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Meet the Red Collection

Yea it's true we have a new electrode collection arriving in the next few days , and today it had its first pubic viewing - with many positive responses.

Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the new Red Collection...

Available in the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Indepth review - the flange

Another fantastic In-depth review has been posted, this time on the Flange, one of our most popular E-Stim Electrodes.

What to see the review? have a look at

Want a flange? Then you can find it here

Monday, 15 June 2015

International Day of Latex IDOL

Its International Day of Latex today, so what could be nicer than dressing up in latex and playing with lots of our lovely E-Stim toys? - just ask Adreena Winters!!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

New Review out - with a difference

The latest review for one of our products has been published, and its one of the most comprehensive reviews we have ever had, and not only that, it has been written from a Womans perspective.

read it here

Many thanks to Joanne for the review!!!

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

E-Stim Sounding Video

I've just come across this video from LatexMistress. If you are interested in medical sounding and E-Stim then this is one for you.

 It features our Series 1 in action, together with rubber loops and some rather interesting medical sounding play.

Most certainly not safe for work!!!